Monday 1 November 2021

For Blossoming Gooseberry trees

For Blossoming Gooseberry trees

There is no unripe season for Gooseberry tree (Phyllanthus Emblica). Gooseberry is an amazing tree that bears fruit in all seasons. Adiyaman gave Avvaiyar, a gooseberry that prolongs life. If you eat one Gooseberry a day, you will not get old quickly. There are two reasons why the Gooseberry tree you keep in your home for garden may not bear fruit for years. The first reason is lack of soil fertility. This can be improved by natural manure and Panchakavyam methods to make the Gooseberry tree fruitful. The second reason is that the same type of Gooseberry trees may not be prone to pollination. To avoid this, the garden can be set up to have two or three types of Goosebery trees.

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