Tuesday 24 October 2023

Nobel Prize Details – 2023

Nobel Prize Details – 2023

The Nobel Prize is awarded every year to people who have made outstanding contributions in six fields: medicine, physics, chemistry, peace, literature, and economics.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine will be jointly awarded to Katalin Carrico and Truve Wiseman for their discovery of a nucleoside modification that is considered the basis for the development of an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine.

The Nobel Prize in Physics is to be awarded jointly to Maungi Bawendi, Louis Bruce and Alexey Ekimov for the discovery and synthesis of quantum dots.

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry is to be awarded jointly to Pierre Agostini, Ferenc Krause and Annie L. Houllier for an experimental method that produces attosecond vibrations in light to study electron dynamics in matter.

Norwegian author Jan Fosse has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. The prize is said to be in recognition of Bose's “innovative plays and prose that give voice to the unspeakable”.

 Iranian social activist Nargis Mohammadi has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her fight against the oppression of women and for human rights and freedom.

It has been announced that Claudia Goldin, a professor at Harvard University in the United States, has been selected for the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences. She was chosen for the prize for her improved understanding of the effects of the female labor market, the Nobel selection committee said.

The Nobel Prizes will be awarded in December in Oslo and Stockholm to the winners in all six fields. A cash prize of Rs 8.3 crore, an 18 carat gold medal and a certificate will be awarded.


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