Saturday 30 October 2021

To see the fruit that the squirrel does not bite in the garden

To see the fruit that the squirrel does not bite in the garden

Where there are fruit trees, squirrels do not bite the fruit. Since squirrels bite fruits when they are hungry, you can place leftover rice, lentils, and peanuts in your home near tree areas where squirrels abound. These will reduce the bite of fruits by hungry squirrels.

            There is another way. Squirrels do not like to the fruits that sprayed by garlic mixing water. You can grind garlic in a lemon-sized cluster into a mug full of water.

            After all, squirrels can bite into one or two fruits that give meaning to the trees we grow. Does the fruit-bearing tree take it upon itself? Only when squirrels bite a few fruits from it when everything is given to us will the virtue biodiversity prevail.

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