Thursday 27 January 2022

Let’s develop the habit of saving

Let’s develop the habit of saving

Needless to say, those who help in a emergency are real relationships. Like that to say, those who help in danger are true friends.

Relationships and friendships may or mayn’t help in a emergency and in danger. Saving is not like that. Savings can be helpful at all times, be it emergency or danger. So much for saying saving is a real relationship and a true friend.

There are many ways to save. Its basis is the same. Its basic premise is to control costs and save. Savings will be generated automatically if there is no overspending.

Those who spend beyond their earnings can never save. It would be a good idea for such people to consider saving as an expense and set aside a sum for daily savings. Or it would be a good idea to take the money for savings first and spend it later.

The coin box is the basic form of savings, although it is given as a toy in childhood. We could have converted that coin box into a money purse or money bag later. It may have been converted into a post office or a bank account in further days. This is based on the fact that there must be an item or an account for savings.

It is important to make saving a habit. We can only reap the benefits of saving if we make saving a habit. Make it a habit to bathe everyday, brush your teeth eveyday, and wash your clothes everyday.

There is a simple way to do that. Thirty days a month can be saved in this way. It is best to buy a purse or a bag or a box for savings. If you save one rupee on the first day, it is a good idea to save two rupees on the second day, save three rupees on the third day and save thirty rupees on the thirtieth day. Do you know how much you will save at the end of the month if you save like this? You have saved 465 rupees. If you continue to do the same throughout the year you will have saved 5580 rupees. Otherwise you would have saved 66,795 at the end of the year if the first day continued for 365 days at one rupee and the second day at two rupees. You can save as much as you feel comfortable with.

You can save as much as ten rupees on the first day and even twenty rupees on the second day depending on your convenience. You can save a hundred rupees on the first day and two hundred rupees on the second day. You can save a thousand rupees on the first day and even on the second day. The savings that come from developing such a saving mechanism and developing the habit of saving accordingly are sure to help you as a friend-like relationship in times of emergency and danger.

All we have to do is develop the habit of saving in some form.


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