Sunday 23 January 2022

Two confident stars

Two confident stars

Two persons can be mentioned as confident stars of today. One is Ilam Bhagwat. The other is Malavika Hegde.

Ilam Bhagwat is one of the achievers in competition examination. Malavika Hegde is the one who lifted the company of her husband who was in debt.

Following the dead of his father, the Ilam Bhagwat wandered to the Thanjavur District collector Office for compassionate work. The office did not give him a job. It gave pain and suffering only. Composting those pains and sufferings, Ilam Bhagwat has reached the peak of IAS gradually achieved from Group 4 and Group 1 examinations.

Siddharth is famous for opening coffee shops called Coffee Day. Siddharth committed suicide when he was strangled by the debt burden of coffee day. Siddharth's wife is Malavika. The loss of a husband is on one side, the debt burden of strangulation on the other. She took over the company and has halved its debt of Rs 7,000 crore.

Ilam Bhagwat is the one who endured the loss of his father while Malavika was the one who endured the loss of her husband. Both have taught a new lesson in recovering from loss and achieving.

The suffering and pain that Ilam Bhagwat faced before getting government service was overwhelming. The pain and suffering that Malavika faced before recovering the company from the debt burden was overwhelming. Both have overcome pain and suffering.

Losses, sufferings and pains are in everyone's life. Shouldn't those who pass them by and prove themselves be called achievers! And aren't they the confident stars of today's society!


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