Wednesday 12 February 2020

Education Department Abbreviations


BEO - Block Education Officer
APO - Assistant Project Officer
ALM- Active Learning Methodology
SABL - Simplified Activity Based Learning
SALM - Simplified Active Learning Methodology
BRC - Block Resource Center
BRTE- Block Resource Teacher Educator
CEO - Chief Educational Officer
CRC - Cluster Resource Center
CAL - Computer Aided Learning
CCE- Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation
CWSN- Children With Special Need
FA- Formative Assessment
SA- Summative Assessment

DEO - District Educational Officer
DEEO -  District Elementary Educational Officer
DEE - Directorate of Elementary Education
DSE - Directorate of School Education
DGE - Directorate of Government Examinations
DTERT -   Directorate of Teacher Education Research and Training
DIET - District Institute of Education & Training
DPEP - District Primary Education Programme
DPO - District Project office
DPI - Directorate of Public Information
DISE - District Information System for Education
EER- Elementary Education Register
EMIS - Educational Management Information System
IE- Inclusive Education
JD - Joint Director
JRC- Junior Red Cross
KGBV- Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
LSRW- Listening Speaking, Reading & Writing
NAS- National Achievement Survey
NMMS - National Means cum Merit Scholarship
NCERT - National Council of Education Research & Training
NSS - National Service Scheme
NCC - National Caded Crops
NCTE - National Council of Teacher Education

NCPCR - National Commission for Protection of Child Rights
NIC - National Informatics Center
NCF - National Curriculum Framework
NUEPA -  National University of Educational Planning and Administration
OSC- Out of School Children
PINDICS- Performance Indicators
PA - Periodical Assessment
PTA - Parents Teachers Association
PET - Physical Education Teacher
QMT- Quality Monitoring Tools
RMSA - Rashtriya Madyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
RTI- Right to Information
RTE - Rights to Education
RSTC- Residential Special Training Centre
SSA -  Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
SPD- State Project Director
SLAS- State Level Achievement Survey
SLM kit- Self Learning Materials kit
SVP - Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar
SCERT - State Council of Education Research & Training
SMC - School Management Committee
UDISE - Unified District Information System for Education
UNICEF - United Nations International Children Education Fund

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