Monday 10 October 2022

A foreword as an afterword

A foreword as an afterword

So far we have seen all the basics of simple mathematics. Although it cannot be said with certainty that these are the only basics, but with these basics you can approach higher mathematics with a good understanding. It must be said that we have seen enough of the basics of mathematics at middle level.

There are more fundamental mathematical concepts and ideas to understand. As a first part, these are enough, but we will cover further basics and ideas that will help in understanding in the second part.

Next we need to look at thanks. Thank you for reading so far.

I also have many people to thank. That list is so huge and big. However, I would like to mention two people in particular and thank them.

Those two are important to me writing and continuing to write this.

The first one is my friend Tamilarasan's son Kabilan.

The second one is my literary brother and dear friend Siddharthan.

Tamilarasan is very eager to teach mathematics for his son Kabilan through me. That longing remained unfulfilled for a long time. It is still the same. The simple mathematical approach that I have been writing about was born out of the idea of ​​how to solve that longing, even if there is no time for the two to meet.

I continued to write this for Kabilan. Maybe I would have written to Kabilan as letters in papers if the website opportunity wasn't what it is now.

It wasn't until I started writing for Kabilan that I realized that for many parents, the series helped make math easier for their children. Also, the teachers commented that the series helped their students learn mathematics in a simple way.

When I decided to write this and shared the message, some of my foreign friends asked me to write this in English for their children. Because of that, there was a need to continue writing in Tamil and English as well.

After I started writing this, in some places I felt dizzy that I was writing more with lot of words without compactness.

Brother Siddharthan made it clear that it was necessary. He said that the more words of writing helps a lot to relax and to make flexibly the abstract nature like mathematics.

Also, he mentioned that some areas of this series are very awe-inspiring, surprising and exhilarating.

He encouraged me to continue writing. In Tamil ‘He who has a brother does not fear to fight.' is a famous proverb. I want to say this proverb as, ‘He who has a brother does not fear to write.'

Although the series is written with Kabilan, a twelve-year-old boy in mind, I'm glad to know that it's got everyone enjoyed to read and understand.

Once again my sincere and lovable gratitude to Kabilan and Siddharthan and to you.

I am also publishing it on Amazon Kindle for those who want to read it as a book. The link of the e-book and paper pack is :

The idea is to write a simple mathematical approach from time to time, even if it is no longer written continuously. So I invite you to visit this website from time to time.

always with love



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