Tuesday 4 October 2022

Let's see a little bit about Angle?

Let's see a little bit about Angle?

What is Mathematics? What would you say if asked that?

Yes, you say numbers.

That's how we started.

No matter how we start and where we go around, we must start with numbers and end with numbers in mathematical calculations.

There are only ten digits in mathematics. We construct that 10 digits logically and convert it into infinite numbers, don't we!

What are you doing now?

Are you sitting and reading this?

How long will you be studying? Get up a little and walk thirty feets, let's see.

What have you done? Do you say yes? You have good speed and agility. So you've moved too quickly.

Today you are thinking about what topic you are talking about without talking about Mathematics.

Don't you know that even if we speak any topic, we will relate to it Mathematics?

Let's start the Mathematics. How far have you gone yet?

You mean we went thirty feet as you said?

How would you number this? You are asking all this as a question, and you are a little angry saying 30 that we don't know if this is even.

Well, let it be. Let's turn a bit from where we are standing now.

How far did you go?

Why are you having so much fun today you ask?

There is the matter.

How far have you gone now?

Are you angry with me again, what are you playing?

Where did we go? You said to turn slightly from where you were standing, you are saying that we turned.

You are right. If I ask why and how far you have gone, only then can you indicate this with a number.

You ask, how can this be referred to in the length?

Your logic is also correct. Mathematics is logic. You're turned. Not as it was before. A change has occurred. Shouldn't that indicate how much change has taken place! Shouldn't there be numbers to represent this too! Let's say your turn target is approximately 30.

Earlier you walked. You said 30 for how much.

Now you are turn. By how much you mean 30.

But you know that the 30 steps you walk and the 30 you turned are not the same.

But if both are to be represented by numbers, is it 30?

But you say it is something not ok.

That's right. It is correct to say distance covered as 30 in feet. How is it correct to say that the turn is 30? But you turned 30?

But it's different, you mean it's different?

You are right. Now you are saying that these two 30 should be distinguished.

Yes, it must be differentiated.

Let's say the 30 steps you walked are 30. Let's distinguish only 30 turning from where you mark by placing a dot or a small zero above 30.

That's how it is 300. This is called 30 degree.

So if a number has a dot or a small zero above it, it does not indicate a linear motion value, but a rotational value, right?

Now we come to the topic of angle. An angle is a turning or rotation.

An angle does not imply linear motion. It represents circular motion. We need numbers to indicate that. Can we create new numbers for that? We convert the existing numbers into angle measures by placing a dot or a small zero above them.

What is the use of these rotating angular scales you ask? Are there such rotating objects in this world, you ask?

The angle itself differentiates the shapes. Although a rectangle and a parallelogram have the same area, how do they differ? Only in angular sizes. It is because of the angle measure that its diagonals become different measures.

So is the square and rhombus. How can a rhombus be made from a square if the angle measures between the sides are right angles?

How do you tell that the Tower of Pisa is leaning? At an angle.

Leave Pisa City Tower. Our Earth itself rotates at an angle of 23½0. I don't think you will ever ask where Angular is used anymore.

Do I even need to tell you about objects that rotate in a particular place? The clock, the fan, the windmill, the wheels of the vehicles all revolve as they are on the axis. Mathematical knowledge of angle is very useful in all these.

Vow, can you finally tell us about such an angle? Do you mean to teach first or not? You are right.

What if you study when? Whatever you study in mathematics, in logic Since we have to learn and read it in a logic, I decided to look at it at the end.

So let's look at the next topic as angles.


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