Wednesday 5 October 2022

Angles on the clock

Angles on the clock

Can't we write numbers from 1 to infinity, including zero?

Although angles are also numbers, angles can only be written from zero to 360.

If there are no more angles than 360, then if it rotates beyond that, it will be the next rotation.

Only 360 degrees can be measured per rotation. Why is it so that one round is separated only up to 360. If you don't want to divide more than that, you can divide freely. Splitting up to 360 has become a tradition and has become the norm.

No matter how you turn around, you can only turn around in circles. Take the rotation of the fan. Is it a circle? Take a round of the clock. Is it a circle? Take a rotation of the wheel. Is it a circle?

This circle is divided into 360. That is, they divide a circle by 360 and take the angle measure as 360. Do I also need to say that we should mark 3600 as the angle measure?

A clock is very convenient to understand angular rotation.

Take 12.00 o'clock on the clock. Isn't this the beginning of the clock? 12 o'clock is the same as zero for a clock.

Exactly 12 o'clock is the beginning. Isn't it zero? It is zero angle. Mark this as 00.

So how do you denote a complete rotation of 3600 then it is called complete angle or full angle. The angular scale ends there doesn't it!

Since the clock can display 12 hours, divide it by four. That is, divide 12 into four. If we analyze it like that, the first part of 12 is 3? Second part is 6? Third part 9 itself? Part 4 is 12?

Now observe the numbers 3, 6, 9, 12 of the clock. Do these numbers divide the clock into four?

When the clock hand, whether it is second hand, minute hand or hour hand, reaches 3, it means that it has reached one fourth of 3600 degrees. That means 3600 / 4 = 900 is reached. This is called a right angle. That is one-fourth of full angle. Its shape is in the form of the English letter L. Even if viewed in a circular form, it is a quarter. i.e. the quarter circle.

So reaching 6 means reaching half of 3600. 3600 / 2 = 1800. This is called a straight angle. It is in the form of the English letter I. If seen in circular form, it is a half section. It means semi circle.

So reaching 9 means reaching three quarters of 3600. 3600 × ¾ = 2700. There is no special name for this angle. In circular form it is three quarters. It means three-quarter circle.

Then again when 12 is reached a cycle is complete. That is reaching an angle of 3600. It is a complete or full angle. If viewed in a circular form, it becomes complete and becomes a full circle.

I think now you have a better understanding about angles.

Are you wondering if we can use these angles to calculate direct ratios?

Let's see that next.


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