Sunday 9 October 2022

Shall we move towards the values of central or representative?

Shall we move towards the value of central or representative?

 Wherever we go, we must eventually come home. ie towards the centre. Is that why they say life is a circle?

Along with getting centered, knowing centeredness is important in all walks of life. For this, statistics is the child born of mathematics.

It starts with its central or representative values.

Take the rain. It rains more or less every year. But don't you need to know the average rainfall every year!

You are told the marks you buy for each subject. At the end, let it say the word average mark? Oh yes, you say?

In all these averages play an important role. What do you mean by average?

See how many numbers they have given. Add it all up. Have you gathered? Now divide the sum by the number of numbers you have added. That's the average.

For example take five numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you add these five numbers, you will say 15. The formula for this is (n(n+1)/2). Now divide this 15 by five. Because we have only added five numbers. Does it answer to 3? This is the average.

You say, Oh this is simple? Similarly you want to find the average height of the students in your class. what will you do? You are saying that you have to find the height of each person and write it down and then add it all up and divide the sum by the number of people's heights you have added up.

And do you mean it will take at least a few hours to do this? Don't worry. There is a way for that too. Arrange the students in your class according to height. Take only the one in the middle of the row and measure his height only. That's the average there. But this average is called median.

If it comes right definetly it comes right.

For example, take the set of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 that we have taken to find the mean above. Here arrange the numbers in ascending order or descending order i.e. write them as you arranged the students by height there. Look at the number in the center.

The set of numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 we have taken is in ascending order. Then look at the number in the middle. 3 itself? This is the average we found. See if it matches.

Then there is another central or representative value.

Before that you need to take yourself to a shop.

Go to a shoe store. There is a need for all kinds of shoes, but if you buy a lot of all kinds of shoes, don't you know paralyzed the capital or investment? So you know what a shopper of shoes does? He buys more numbered shoes that selling more and keeps less number of other numbered shoes that selling low.

For example, number seven, number eight, and number nine shoes sell the most. Shoes in those numbers will fit the feet of many people from 20 years old to eighty years old. Most of the shoes in that number are sold. Even though the shoes come in many sizes, the number eight shoes are more common in shoe stores. This eight is the average for that particular store. But this is not called average but called ‘mode’. That is, whichever number occurs many times.

Take the game of dice. Only one of the six numbers will fall. Whichever number occurs many times is your mode.

You mean give an example in numbers too? OK, we have to give.

2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 2, 8, 2 – Look at these numbers. The number 2 occurs maximum 4 times. So its mode is 2.

Now a question. Given a set of numbers in which no number occurs more than once, how do you find the mode? Can't find the mode! So it has no mode.

Now you know about the three types of measures of central or representative values, mean, median, and mode?

That's it, we've covered enough of the simple math basics. Let's complete the first part for simple math basics.

Even though it has been said before, what do you mean you have suddenly completed it? So let's complete the next day.


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