Monday 19 September 2022

Do you know how to find the area of ​​a quadrilateral?

Do you know how to find the area of ​​a quadrilateral?

What do you think of when you think of a square? It means that all four sides are equal in shape. But a quadrilateral is a shape whose four sides are not equal. All four sides are of different sizes.

I hope you'll remember that when we look at area from now on we need to pay attention to the diagonals along with the product of adjacent sides.

When you think of a rectangle, do you think of equal length sides, equal width sides, opposite sides equal and parallel, and their diagonals equal?

But does it also come to mind that the diagonals are not equal even though the opposite sides of a parallelogram like a slanted rectangle are equal and parallel?

Not only the sides of a quadrilateral are not equal but also the diagonals. Also, opposite sides of a quadrilateral are neither equal nor parallel.

Perhaps if four sides are not equal but only one pair of opposite sides are parallel, then it is a trapezium. No pair of opposite sides of a quadrilateral is parallel. A quadrilateral is a trapezium if any pair of opposite sides are parallel.

Why are I saying so much you ask? Just to paint a picture in your mind of the quadrilateral.

Shall we draw a quadrilateral now? Usually I tell such a method in the classroom so that the students can understand it easily. I will tell you the same. If you know of a simpler method, please share it.

Draw a tank-like structure. Extend one side of it. Now cover the long tank side to small tank side with a line. Is that all there is to the quadrilateral? I have illustrated this in three steps in the figure below.

Now let's find the area of ​​the quadrilateral? It can be easily found.

Draw a diagonal joining any two corners of the quadrilateral. Didn't I say earlier that the diagonal will play an important role in finding area? What have you drawn? That is, draw a diagonal in the same quadrilateral we have drawn.

Now look up and down along that diagonal. Is there a triangle above? Is the triangle below the same? So if the area of ​​these two triangles is added together what is the area of ​​the quadrilateral? You say yes? That's the point.

Now take the diagonal of the quadrilateral by the variable d, which is the initial of diagonal. That will be the base of our two triangles. So let's denote the variable b, the base of the triangle, by the variable d, the diagonal of the quadrilateral. Take the height of the upper triangle as h1 and the height of the lower triangle as h2. I have also shown them in the picture for your understanding.

Do we know that the area of ​​a triangle is ½bh square units? Now since the base of our triangles is d, the area of ​​the upper triangle is ½dh1 square units and the area of ​​the lower triangle is ½dh2 square units, right?

Now area of ​​quadrilateral = area of ​​triangle above + area of ​​triangle below right?


Area of ​​quadrilateral = ½dh1 + ½dh2

Taking out the common ½d and bracketing it,

Area of ​​quadrilateral = ½d( h1 + h2 ) square units, right?

This is the formula for finding the area of ​​a quadrilateral. What do you understand?

Tomorrow we will find the formula for finding the area of ​​a rhombus in a similar way.


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