Saturday 17 September 2022

Shall we find the area of ​​the circle?

Shall we find the area of ​​the circle?

You are going round and round wondering how to find the area of ​​a circle. It's a circle so it's no wonder you're thinking and going in round and round. So I hope you are very excited about seeing the area of ​​the circle today.

Before that recall the formula for the circumference of a circle. You ask me whether you will forget what you saw yesterday. I know you won't forget. I told you to remember it because the formula for the circumference of a circle is going to help us find the area of ​​a circle.

I know by now you have remembered that the circumference of a circle = 2 πr units.

Also recall the formula for the area of ​​parallelogram. You ask, don't we know it's bh square units? Can math formulae you don't know exist in math anymore?

Now let's find the formula for the area of ​​a circle?

Does a circle have no sides? If there are sides, can you multiply the adjacent sides to give an easy formula for the area? What do we do now?

Draw a circle and draw as many diameters as you can into it.

When drawing the diameters, draw them so that they divide the circle equally. For example, when drawing a diameter, the circle should be divided into two equal parts. When two diameters are drawn, they should be divided into four equal parts. When drawing four diameters, divide them into eight equal parts. If eight diameters are drawn, they should be divided into sixteen equal parts. Sixteen diameters should be drawn into thirty-two equal parts. Draw as many diameters as you can within a circle so that they are divided into equal parts.

As you increase the diameters, the figure for the area becomes precisely a parallelogram. How can it be parallelogram you ask?

Now you cut the circles through the diameters into pieces and glue them as shown in the picture.

At most it is enough if you draw 16 diameters and divide them into 32 equal parts. Now you have 32 equal parts of the circle. The length of these equal parts is equal to the radius and the width at the top is significantly less than the circumference of the circle. Paste these parts as shown in the picture.

After you glue the pieces of the circle looks like a parallelogram. Do you know the formula for the area of ​​a parallelogram? We remember it as bh square units.

Now, isn't the base b of the parallelogram that we stick together with the pieces of the circle half the circumference of the circle! If it is half, then where is the other half, you ask? It is on the upper side of the parallelogram. That is, one half of the circumference of the circle is below and the other half of the circumference is above. So the base of the parallelogram is half the circumference of the circle. That is 2 πr / 2 = πr units

Next the distance between the bottom and the top of the parallelogram i.e. the height of the parallelogram h is the radius as it is the distance from the center of the circle to the circumference of the circle. That is, h = r.

Tell me now.

Area of ​​parallelogram = bh square units Substituting πr for b and r for h gives πr × r = πr2 square units right! This is the formula for the area of ​​a circle. What do you understand?

Tomorrow we will also look some more things at the area of ​​a circle, because there are many things to know about the area of ​​a circle.


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