Sunday 4 September 2022

A method of adding even number sequence

A method of adding even number sequence

I hope you have found a way to add a even number sequence.

Did you find it? Isn't it?

If not, let's find out.

When we add odd numbers, we find the addition by squaring it by the number of numbers to be added! We are going to use the same method to add even power numbers. Here again the important thing is the number of even numbers we add, starting from two.

Add the first five even numbers?

2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 = 30

We have added five even numbers. Take these five. Also take six which is next to five. Multiply these two numbers. Does 5 × 6 = 30 come up? This is the above number sequence addition. Aha! The answer has arrived!

Any number of even numbers you add from two and multiply the next number of that number will give you the addition of even numbers sequence.

Let's look at one more example. Add the first ten even numbers?

2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20 = 110

As we add 10 numbers we multiply 10 and its next number 11. 10 × 11 = 110. What is the answer?

Do you have to count how many numbers you are taking when you take even numbers in a row? What if something goes wrong while counting while taking a very large number of numbers?

If such a thought comes to you, let go of that worry. Now observe the first sequence. Does the final even number come to 10 when the first five even numbers are taken? Divide this 10 by 2. Does it get 5? These 5 are the number of even numbers we have taken. Now multiply this 5 and its next number 6 and you can find the answer.

Similarly, taking the first 10 even numbers, the final even number is 20. Now divide 20 by two. Got 10? This 10 itself is the number of even numbers we have taken. Now multiply this 10 and the next number 11 to get the answer to 110.

Similarly, you are asking if there is any way to count the number in odd numbers sequence?

Why not do it? Add 1 to the last odd number and divide that number by 2. Don't keep counting how many odd numbers you get. This is easy to find. Please check if you want.

I hear you tell me to test one yourself. Ok let's check.

Take the addition of the odd number sequence 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 = 49. Here we have taken total 7 odd numbers. Isn't the final number 13? Add 1 to 13. 14 coming up? Divide this by two. 7 is coming. Yes total 7 odd numbers we have taken sequentially starting from one.

I think you have now developed a special interest in the Mathematics. Now the question you are asking is ringing in my ears. You are asking whether it is possible to write square numbers and cubic numbers in order and find their addition easily? Why can't you find? We will see that tomorrow.


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