Ramanujam number is a number game of cubic numbers
How did we see the
Pythagorean Theorem? It means that certain square numbers can be viewed as the
addition of two square numbers. If you raise the question whether we can see a
similar pattern in cubic numbers, you will arrive at the concept of Ramanujam number.
Here you only want to see if you can find a number as the addition of two cubic
numbers rather than the cubic number as the addition of two cubic numbers.
In that way the
Ramanujam number is like a discovery made from the superposition of square
Ramanujam had special
powers at numbers. He had an amazing ability to calculate numbers in his mind.
Once his mentor
Professor Hardy came to see him and expressed the impression that his car
number 1729 was not to his liking. Ramanujam then showed that number as the
addition of two cube numbers. And that too in two ways. That's why the number
is known as Ramanujam number.
How Ramanujam expressed
1729 as the addition of two cubic numbers in two ways,
1729 = 13 + 123 = 93 +
Here 1729 is not the
only cubic number. But it can be expressed in two ways as the addition of two
cubic numbers. This is what Ramanuja showed.
It's almost like
Pythagorean numbers, isn't it, with one difference. Like its next version. This
way you can jump from one invention to another.
That leap is to think
about how a property that applies to square numbers changes a little more or
less for cubic numbers. Ramanujam too could have thought like that. At the end
of that idea Ramanujam could have found the number.
Among some of the
discoveries about square numbers, a mathematician named Kapreker thought
differently and discovered some numbers. These numbers are called Kapreker
numbers. Let's know a little about them. It will help you to understand how you
can continue your thinking in numbers. It may even help you make a new
discovery in mathematics.
Now let's look at the
Kaprekar numbers.
The square of 45 will
be 2025. Seperate 2025 as 20 and 25 and add these numbers you get result of 45.
The square of 45 is 2025. i.e, 452 = 2025. Such an invention was
made by Kabrekar. That means it can be referred to as fun in numbers.
Similarly the square of
297 will be 88209. If you seperate that number as 88 and 209, you get a sum of
these numbers as 297. 88209 is the square of 297. i.e, 2972 = 88209.
This is also a Kabrekar number.
There are many such
Kabrekar numbers. You find out.
I think your mathematical
curiosity has taken off by now.
When you look at the
numbers in different ways, you can find a variety of discoveries. I think you
understand by now that those inventions are math lessons for you on various
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